What's New in 3.x?

The Joomla Project is pleased to announce the availability for download. This is the second release made within the new six-month release cycle that started with the delivery of Joomla 1.6 in January 2011.

What is this release for?

There are several goals for this release:

  1. To allow advance testing of sites and custom extensions so that site administrators and developers can report any problems before the final release.
  2. To raise awareness that the end of the current development cycle is fast approaching.
  3. To allow testing of the upgrade from version 1.7 to 2.5.0.


A missão da empresa é integrar-se no tecido empresarial do distrito de Viseu, com eficácia e qualidade para servir os seus clientes.
Procuraremos assumir papel fundamental no precesso de desenvolvimento e competitividade das empresas desta região.

Parceiros no negócio.

Toyota   Lexus Kia  Hyundai


1. Toyota
Troque por um híbrido Toyota.
2. Hyundai
A Hyundai passou dos limites..
3. Kia Motors Portugal
Agora com motorização híbrida.


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